
AM series

AM Servoactuators

This range of hybrids, the line of servo actuactors AM, between linear actuators and servo actuators gives shape to a kind of product perfect for the latest generation of brushless and stepper motors.
It is designed in detail to ensure a constant and optimal control on position, speed and force reached during each linear movement.

The AM line, in fact, has been developed for those applications requiring high speeds even with medium/high loads. It can operate particular movements acting as robotic arms and performing precise handling. For these models, that are required to do particular movements, where all the power at disposal is adjusted according to specific needs, in order to reach the best result.

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Tech values

Max. load 15.000 N

Max. speed 170 mm/s

Motor chosen by client

. (servo/

. brushless/

. stepper)

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Product configurator

The 3D configurator is not available for this model!